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Meet Ben and his fire safety dog Franklin

This year, MySafe:LA is introducing a new set of characters into our Junior Fire Inspector program, as well as our other school fire safety initiatives. Two animated characters are lighting up classrooms with fire safety messages.

Our education teams will provide “Fire Safety with Ben and Franklin” posters to LAUSD elementary schools. Ben, a hilarious animated young boy, and his smart, talking dog Franklin will tell students how to “get low and go,” as well as how to “stop, drop, and roll” and other fire safety actions.

A short animated film has Franklin the dog waking Ben upon smelling smoke in their home and hearing a sounding smoke alarm. Franklin encourages his human family to “Get Low and Go” to escape the smoke, to dial 911, and to safety stay out of the house pending arrival of firefighters.

The video is available in English and Spanish.

The initial reaction from students has been fantastic, with cheers and shouts, not to mention requests for additional Ben and Franklin films. We’re on the case, kids!

Ben Franklin is considered the father of the fire service in the United States, so it makes sense that our two animated characters would have a relationship, even if distant, to this hero of American history.

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