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Cancer Awareness Support for the Los Angeles City Fire Department

The Film unit of MySafe:LA is producing a film about post fire decontamination – part of the “everyone goes home” initiative undertaken by the Los Angeles Fire Department. Fire Chief Ralph Terrazas has been committed to taking any reasonable steps to improve the safety and the overall health of LA firefighters.

LAFD firefighters take protective measures following a structure fire.

The project, funded in part by the Motorola Solutions Foundation, is aimed at teaching firefighters a new procedure for protecting themselves following a structure fire incident. Firefighters get rinsed down, remove their protective gear, store it in plastic bags outside of the crew cab of any fire apparatus, take an extended shower, and use new protective gear while the recently used turnouts are cleaned in speciality designed washing machines, called extractors.

The short film, produced by David Barrett and directed by Cameron Barrett will be used to teach all 3,400 members of the LAFD about these new and critical activities.

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