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News, Media, and Editorial

As our team works to create a more resilient Los Angeles, we’ll post stories, videos, podcasts, and press information here in the MySafe:LA blog. Because we work throughout the Los Angeles region, we gain insight and experience into many different life experiences. Some of them are worth sharing. We hope you enjoy each post.

Northridge Quake

Lessons From The Northridge Quake of 1994

Imagine this: Several million people shaken out of bed at 4:31AM by a rolling, jolting killer earthquake. 60 people died. $20 billion dollars to repair the damage. And we’re told

firefighter with kids

A Safe Start to the New Year

Happy New Year from everyone at MySafe:LA. As we look towards a busy 2013, here are some thoughts on being safe during the coming year: First of all, remember that


It’s That Time Again

This Sunday marks the end of daylight savings time. Daylight Saving Time (United States) began Sunday, March 11, 2012, 2:00am, and ends Sunday, November 4, 2012, 2:00am. (Except Arizona and

fire prevention week

Do you Have Two Ways Out?

MySafe:LA and your Los Angeles Fire Department ask: Do you have two ways out? It sounds simple, even silly – but it’s a question you must have an answer for.

firemen with stretcher

Getting Ready to Shakeout LA!

To help people understand and prepare for “the Big One,” the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) at USC heads up a worldwide initiative called “the Great Shakeout.” MySafe:LA focuses on

Readiness Month

Readiness Month Comes to a Close

On behalf of everyone at MySafe:LA, we’d like to thank all of the schools, teachers, and students who participated in our September National Preparedness Month presentations. Knowing what to do

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