Felipe Fuentes Joins MySafe:LA to Teach Fire Safety
It’s a thrill when a community leader like Councilmember Felipe Fuentes joins MySafe:LA to teach fire safety to students. That’s exactly what took place last week at Harding Street Elementary
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As our team works to create a more resilient Los Angeles, we’ll post stories, videos, podcasts, and press information here in the MySafe:LA blog. Because we work throughout the Los Angeles region, we gain insight and experience into many different life experiences. Some of them are worth sharing. We hope you enjoy each post.
It’s a thrill when a community leader like Councilmember Felipe Fuentes joins MySafe:LA to teach fire safety to students. That’s exactly what took place last week at Harding Street Elementary
The Board of Directors for The Safe Community Project (parent organization for MySafe:LA) would like to congratulate Todd D. Leitz for his competitive and well balanced attempt to become the
MySafe:LA is pleased to commence our smoke alarm podcast with Episode #13 of our fire and life safety series. With more than 20 fatalities on average in any given year
[ Updated March 6, 2014 ] During the first nine weeks in Los Angeles, 11 people have died in house fires. In every one of those incidents, not one functional
A Reminder from the San Fernando Earthquake… Don’t Forget me! Too often, when it comes to earthquakes, we tend to forget. Tomorrow is the 43rd anniversary of the 1971 San Fernando
Did you know that while fire burns, smoke kills? UPDATED FEB 22, 2014. That’s right. Fire Burns. Smoke Kills. Often, we tend to think about fire as the primary threat
It’s True: FEMA wants a few good kids. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has published a request that we think makes a lot of sense – and one we’re thinking
If you’re in the 4th thru 6th grades, you weren’t even a glint in your parent’s eyes when the Northridge earthquake occurred. In fact, your parents might not yet have
This week, Los Angeles is buzzing with memories of the 1994 Northridge earthquake. At 4:31 on the 17th of January in 1994, a significant earthquake ripped through the San Fernando
A new year can mean a new beginning. We’re delighted to share a MySafe:LA Start to the New Year!!! What happens at the beginning of a typical new year? We
As the holidays come to a close, fire safety is just as important as at any other time of year. And the risks in many areas, including Los Angeles are
Everyone wants to talk about holiday safety tips at this time of year. For many people, it can be a repetitive and boring subject. Don’t let that happen. The fact
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©2008 - 2024 The Safe Community Project , all rights reserved, except where noted The Safe Community Project is a U.S. 501(c)(3) public benefit charity organization, EIN 27-0967511. MySafe:LA is a unit operating within the Safe Community Project charity umbrella.