Tell us what you think! We're building a plan to reduce the risks of wildfires!
Tell us what you think! We're building a plan to reduce the risks of wildfires!

Working Together

Resilient L.A.

Helping the Community to be more resilient

Community Risk Reduction

MySafe:LA is committed to supporting communities throughout Los Angeles with a process called “Community Risk Reduction,” or CRR for short. We have been developing and evolving CRR since we were founded, and have been twice nationally recognized as a “model performance” example of Community Risk Reduction by Vision 20/20, the originator of the CRR concept. This work starts with research, and concludes with a working model to create a safer home, street, and neighborhood.

Telling important stories about resilience in the City of Angeles

The Voice of MySafe:LA

Because MySafe:LA works throughout the Los Angeles area, our teams interact with a diverse group of people – of all ages, backgrounds, and ethnicities. We have team members who speak Spanish, Armenian, Korean, Chinese, and even a bit of French (not to mention English). We capture important stories and share our opinions often, so have a watch, listen, or read.

Working together, there’s much we can accomplish

It Takes a Village

Although MySafe:LA has a diverse and capable in-house set of skills, including training, research, logistics, and technology management and implementation, we strongly believe the best way to help the community is to partner with those who have similar objectives. That’s why we continue to build relationships with entities like the Governor’s Office of Emergency ServicesCalFire, the Los Angeles City Fire DepartmentLos Angeles County Fire DepartmentLos Angeles Police Department, the American Red Cross, the L.A. Department of AgingL.A. Department of Recreation and ParksDepartment of Neighborhood Empowerment, and other organizations that focus on making Los Angeles more resilient.

Los Angeles, CA/USA - April 9, 2020: Paramedics assist a homeless person on the streets during the coronavirus outbreak
Making a Difference With The Homeless Population

Homeless in L.A.

The tragedy of being homeless has hit Los Angeles like a tornado. Just like a midwestern twister, the impact is people on the street, without resources, and often in plain view, without any direct path to get back on their feet. There are more than 60,000 people without a place to live in Los Angeles – and Six out of Ten are experiencing homelessness for the first time. 75% of these Angelenos are without shelter, relying on tents, makeshift shelters or their vehicles as a place to sleep. How do we, as a community, help these people?

Neighborhood response
MySafe:LA provides support for a wide array of community challenges

Other Community Threats

It isn’t just fires, floods, and earthquakes that threaten the safety and security of people living in Los Angeles. Dealing with water safety, pedestrian safety, burns, and other dangers is just part of living in the second largest city in America. MySafe:LA offers a wide array of information, education, and awareness around these issues – all with the goal of creating a more resilient L.A.

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