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MySafe:LA has a wonderful team that supports our non-profit, public safety initiatives. Our ability to reach the public would not be as complete as it is without their dedicated engagement.
David Barrett
Cameron Barrett
Amy Hernandez
Chris Nevil
Mike Meadows
Greg Doyle
Brandy Carlos
Rick McClure
Steve Whitby
Joe Fanasalle
Chris Hatounian
A number of our photographers are dedicated to capturing the impact of fire on communities. Many are award-winners. All are part of a terrific team.
Cameron Barrett
David Barrett
Terry Sanders
Steven Reyes
Greg Vander Velde
Luis Fierro
Casey Goode
Jessica Svendsgaard
Cara Meyers
Todd Leitz
William Whitney
Eric Peniata
Terry Sanders is a two-time Academy-Award winning filmmaker and producer. The majority of our film unit is award-winning, known for their professional quality in specific roles (videography, voice over, etc.), and each individual plays an important role in our production process.
As most of you are already experiencing a significant windstorm, we thought it would be helpful to share some vital
The summer of 2024 has brought heightened wildfire activity in California, with more fires and acres burned than in recent
MySafe:LA was honored to join LAFD Fire Chief Kristen Crowley, and Council District 11’s Traci Park, in recognizing the Brentwood Homeowner’s Association
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©2008 - 2024 The Safe Community Project , all rights reserved, except where noted The Safe Community Project is a U.S. 501(c)(3) public benefit charity organization, EIN 27-0967511. MySafe:LA is a unit operating within the Safe Community Project charity umbrella.