Home » Community » Other Threats » Older Adult Safety
Aging doesn’t have to be a bad experience. For many people, the years after 55 bring more freedom, opportunity, and comfort. Staying safe is an important factor in realizing the benefits of getting older.
You're older and wiser, but you're also more at risk during disasters like earthquakes and fires.
Some of us are just a little farther along in the process. When it comes to home safety and disaster preparedness, older adults have the same objectives as the rest of us – stay safe, be prepared. But some older adults face challenges making their living place safer, or preparing for disasters like wildfires and earthquakes.
MySafe:LA’s Older Adult Safety program is specific to the challenges of Los Angeles seniors. We teach fire safety, fall prevention, earthquake preparedness, cooking safety, smoke alarm installation and maintenance, disaster awareness and family escape planning. Some of our materials are available right here, by watching the video above of clicking on the links to the right.
Like our in-school program, MySafe:LA provides all of this information in-person to older adult groups. If you live in an older adult community, or belong to a group with older adult members, get in touch. We’d love to bring our safety presentation to you. Our programs can be customized to target your specific concerns, and if available, we can bring your first-in fire company to the presentation for attendees to meet and interact with the first responders that serve their neighborhood.
You can also learn more older adult fire safety tips by visiting our special Older Adult Safety video page.
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©2008 - 2024 The Safe Community Project , all rights reserved, except where noted The Safe Community Project is a U.S. 501(c)(3) public benefit charity organization, EIN 27-0967511. MySafe:LA is a unit operating within the Safe Community Project charity umbrella.