Wildfire Los Angeles

The Los Angeles Regional Fire Safe Council


MySafe:LA is working neighborhood by neighborhood to build awareness and resilience relative to the constant near year-round threat from wildfire.

The January 2025 Los Angeles Wildfires

Help Us Help You!

Donate to our wildfire resilience fund and help create a safer community.

Wildfire Podcasts

Listen to our town hall meetings and Rebuild:LA

Ready for Zone Zero?

Are you ready to create an ember resistent zone around your home? Share your opinions! 

Rain Safety

Protect your home and family from rain and flooding.

FREE Wildfire Assessments

We can inspect your property and provide you with a wildfire risk assessment.

Start to Recover

There are several essential steps to take.

The Los Angeles Wildfire Resilience Alliance

The Los Angeles Wildfire Resilience Alliance, led by the Los Angeles City Fire Department and MySafe:LA, is a collaborative public/private partnership working to make individual neighborhoods in Los Angeles safer from wildfire.

How Does The Alliance Work?

The Alliance provides education to L.A. area residents, in multiple types of housing, but within the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) generally, and specifically in the Very High Fire Severity Zone (VHFSZ) as defined by CalFire, the State of California’s fire protection agency.

This education covers basics related to Ready, Set, Go, but with localized focus on home hardening, route planning for evacuation and collaboration of residents among themselves to be better prepared for wildfire. Every community is different, and our objective is to create a clear path towards being a Fire Safe Council and/or a NFPA Firewise USA site.

Taking Action In L.A.

MySafe:LA is working directly with residents to teach them about proper preparation for wildfires, and is also partnering with the Los Angeles City Fire Department and other agencies to create important readiness and evacuation training relative to wildfires. We’re focusing on three key components:


Prepares homeowner’s associations and neighborhood councils to be “Wildfire Ready” by joining the “Los Angeles Wildfire Resilience Alliance.”


Engages partners (City Council, Fire, Law, HOA, NCs, etc.) to be aware of roles and responsibilities related to wildfire preparedness.


Better protected homes. More resilient homeowners. Newly minted Fire Safe Councils and Firewise USA sites.

What You Will Learn

  • How to create your own “wildfire” action committee
  • Why “rebuilding” actually starts before the fire
  • Avoiding the worst place you can be in a wildfire
  • What is the real threat matrix for your neighborhood
  • Training in certified CPR, Evacuation, Resilience
  • Roles & Responsibilities (you and first responders)
  • Beyond Ready, Set, Go
  • The difference between a Fire Safe Council and NFPA Firewise USA
  • The best tools to secure your family’s safety
  • Networking with other communities
  • How MySafe:LA can be your wildfire partner

The Threat is Real​

Although some people worry about wildfires, most people don’t believe they will ever face a wildfire and be forced to leave their home and possessions. That changes when a wildfire damages or destroys their home.

This could be your home. What would you do if you heard sirens at 2AM, and by 4AM you were driving through smoke and embers to escape a wildfire? What would you do if two days later, you learned – often by watching your television or smartphone – that your home and all of your possessions had been destroyed?

“I can’t believe this happened to me,” is a common refrain.

We understand those mixed emotions – and we’re here to help you prepare. This isn’t about what you are being told to do. This is about being given the opportunity to do some simple things that could save your home, belongings, and even your life.

Upcoming Town Hall Meeting

The next virtual town hall meeting is scheduled for:

DATE: APRIL 17, 2025


DURATION: 90 Minutes



AGENDA: NEW VHFSZ MAPS – What do they say about L.A.? – HOMEOWNER FEEDBACK ON ZONE 0 – the ember resistent zone. CONSIDERATIONS FOR HOME HARDENING – Includes existing homes that those that will be rebuilt. INSURANCE UPDATE – What is happening with California Fire Insurance. 


For questions, please write to: info@mysafela.org

Join the Wildfire Alliance

Start by joining the Wildfire L.A. Alliance—it’s FREE! As a member, you’ll receive our bi-monthly newsletter with valuable information to help you and your neighbors prepare for wildfires. We provide safety resources, event access, complimentary home wildfire inspections, and more. If you reside in the canyons or wildland regions of Los Angeles, sign up today!

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